All Classes and Interfaces

Defines helper functions to transform a asciidoc document into a PDF document.
The bit utility class provides utility functions to manipulate bit streams as used on older communication protocols.
Provide a simple approach to create an audit trail for all relevant operations performed in the system.
The exception mapper processes an exception and executes associated instructions with the helper.
Identifiers generator to create unique object identifiers.
Models an incomplete local date such as a birthday.
Defines an interval of values for the type providing a simple ordering function.
Defines an immutable list structure as used in Lisp, Scheme, or Clojure.
Define a split iterator for the immutable persistent list structure.
Defines a typed pair as long as JDK API is not providing the abstraction.
An alternative approach to recursion is using an infinite Stream pipeline with the recursive call wrapped in a functional interface.
A reference to an object, emulating the concept of a typed pointer to typed variable.
Utility cass to manipulate objects through reflection.
Utility class providing missing methods of the String class.
Wrapper for a consumer throwing a checked exception to enable use in streams.
Wrapper for a function throwing a checked exception to enable use in streams.
Wrapper for a predicate throwing a checked exception to enable use in streams.
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.
Represent a function that accepts three arguments and produces a result.
Functional programming strives to minimize side effects, so throwing exceptions is avoided.
Utilities to process and validate JSON files.