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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


addContract(Contract) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Organization
addInsurances(SwissAccidentInsurance) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Organization
address() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Collaborator
Returns the value of the address record component.
addSocialInsurances(SwissSocialInsurance) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Organization
ahvAdministrationPercentage() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissSocialInsurance
Returns the value of the ahvAdministrationPercentage record component.
ahvPercentage() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissSocialInsurance
Returns the value of the ahvPercentage record component.
alvPercentage() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissSocialInsurance
Returns the value of the alvPercentage record component.


birthday() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Collaborator
Returns the value of the birthday record component.
birthday() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Returns the value of the birthday record component.
buPercentage() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissAccidentInsurance
Returns the value of the buPercentage record component.
bvgPercentage() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissPensionFund
Returns the value of the bvgPercentage record component.


clearEntities(DomainAudit) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports.CollaboratorsAdapter
close() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports.CollaboratorsEntities
collaborator() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Contract
Returns the value of the collaborator record component.
Collaborator - Record Class in net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain
Defines the collaborator entity as needed from the perspective of the human resources department.
Collaborator(String, String, LocalDate, String, String, Address) - Constructor for record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Collaborator
Creates an instance of a Collaborator record class.
collaborators() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports.CollaboratorsEntities
collaborators() - Method in interface
COLLABORATORS_TSV - Static variable in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports.CollaboratorsAdapter
CollaboratorsAdapter - Class in net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports
CollaboratorsAdapter(CollaboratorsRealm, Path) - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports.CollaboratorsAdapter
CollaboratorsBoundedDomain - Class in
CollaboratorsBoundedDomain(CollaboratorsRealm, CollaboratorsBusinessLogic, CollaboratorsPort, TenantDirectory) - Constructor for class
CollaboratorsBoundedDomainUi - Class in net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ui
CollaboratorsBoundedDomainUi(CollaboratorsBoundedDomain) - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ui.CollaboratorsBoundedDomainUi
CollaboratorsBusinessLogic - Class in
CollaboratorsBusinessLogic(CollaboratorsRealm) - Constructor for class
CollaboratorsEntities - Class in net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports
CollaboratorsEntities() - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports.CollaboratorsEntities
CollaboratorsEntities(Path) - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports.CollaboratorsEntities
CollaboratorsPort - Interface in
CollaboratorsRealm - Interface in
CollaboratorsTsvHdl - Class in net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports
CollaboratorsTsvHdl(CollaboratorsRealm) - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports.CollaboratorsTsvHdl
CollaboratorsView - Class in net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ui
CollaboratorsView(CollaboratorsBoundedDomainUi, Mode) - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ui.CollaboratorsView
compulsorilyPayment() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissPensionFundPayment
Returns the value of the compulsorilyPayment record component.
computeAccidentInsuranceDeductions(Contract, Year) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Organization
computeEmployeeSocialInsurances(BigDecimal) - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissSocialInsurance
computeEmployerSocialInsurances(BigDecimal) - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissSocialInsurance
computeMonthlyWageCard(Contract, int, Month) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Organization
computePensionFundDeductions(Contract, Year) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Organization
computeSocialInsuranceDeductions(Contract, Year) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Organization
computeYearlyWageCard(Contract, int) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Organization
Contract - Record Class in net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain
Contract(String, Organization, Collaborator, DateRange, BigDecimal, BigDecimal, int, List<SwissPensionFund>) - Constructor for record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Contract
Creates an instance of a Contract record class.
contracts() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports.CollaboratorsEntities
contracts() - Method in interface
createdAt() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Returns the value of the createdAt record component.
createdBy() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Returns the value of the createdBy record component.


DOMAIN - Static variable in class


effectiveExpenses() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Returns the value of the effectiveExpenses record component.
employeeSocialInsurancesPercentage() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissSocialInsurance
employerAdministrativeCostsPercentage() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissSocialInsurance
employerPercentage() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissPensionFund
Returns the value of the employerPercentage record component.
employerSocialInsurancesPercentage() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissSocialInsurance
eoPercentage() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissSocialInsurance
Returns the value of the eoPercentage record component.
equals(Object) - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Collaborator
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Contract
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissAccidentInsurance
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissPensionFund
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissPensionFundPayment
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissSocialInsurance
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
exportCollaborators(DomainAudit, Path) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports.CollaboratorsTsvHdl
exportEntities(DomainAudit) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports.CollaboratorsAdapter
extraPayment() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissPensionFundPayment
Returns the value of the extraPayment record component.


fakPercentage() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissSocialInsurance
Returns the value of the fakPercentage record component.
freeTransportToWork() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Returns the value of the freeTransportToWork record component.
fromDate() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Returns the value of the fromDate record component.
fullname() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Collaborator
Returns the value of the fullname record component.


grossSalary() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Returns the value of the grossSalary record component.


hashCode() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Collaborator
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Contract
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissAccidentInsurance
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissPensionFund
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissPensionFundPayment
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissSocialInsurance
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Returns a hash code value for this object.


id() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Collaborator
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Contract
Returns the value of the id record component.
id() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Organization
importCollaboratators(DomainAudit, Path) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports.CollaboratorsTsvHdl
importEntities(DomainAudit) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports.CollaboratorsAdapter
internalId() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Collaborator
Returns the value of the internalId record component.
ivPercentage() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissSocialInsurance
Returns the value of the ivPercentage record component.


mealChecks() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Returns the value of the mealChecks record component.
mininumAmount() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissAccidentInsurance
Returns the value of the mininumAmount record component.


nbuPaidByEmployer() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissAccidentInsurance
Returns the value of the nbuPaidByEmployer record component.
nbuPercentage() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissAccidentInsurance
Returns the value of the nbuPercentage record component.
net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain - package net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain
The domain defines the abstractions to compute the salary, social deductions and legal salary documents for collaborators.
net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports - package net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports
net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ui - package net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ui - package
netSalary() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Returns the value of the netSalary record component.
nrOfPayments() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Contract
Returns the value of the nrOfPayments record component.


oldSocialNumber() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Returns the value of the oldSocialNumber record component.
oldSocialSecurityNumber() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Collaborator
Returns the value of the oldSocialSecurityNumber record component.
organization() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Contract
Returns the value of the organization record component.
Organization - Class in net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain
Organization(String) - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Organization
organizations() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports.CollaboratorsEntities
organizations() - Method in interface


pensionFund() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Returns the value of the pensionFund record component.
pensionFundPayment() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Returns the value of the pensionFundPayment record component.
pensionFunds() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Contract
Returns the value of the pensionFunds record component.


range() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Contract
Returns the value of the range record component.
range() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissAccidentInsurance
Returns the value of the range record component.
range() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissPensionFund
Returns the value of the range record component.
range() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissSocialInsurance
Returns the value of the range record component.
realm() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ports.CollaboratorsAdapter


select(AppLayout, MenuBar) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.ui.CollaboratorsBoundedDomainUi
socialNumber() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Returns the value of the socialNumber record component.
socialSecurityNumber() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Collaborator
SwissAccidentInsurance - Record Class in net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain
Accident insurance contracts cover professional and non-professional accidents.
SwissAccidentInsurance(DateRange, BigDecimal, BigDecimal, BigDecimal, boolean) - Constructor for record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissAccidentInsurance
Creates an instance of a SwissAccidentInsurance record class.
SwissPensionFund - Record Class in net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain
SwissPensionFund(DateRange, BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Constructor for record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissPensionFund
Creates an instance of a SwissPensionFund record class.
SwissPensionFundPayment - Record Class in net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain
SwissPensionFundPayment(int, BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Constructor for record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissPensionFundPayment
Creates an instance of a SwissPensionFundPayment record class.
SwissSocialInsurance - Record Class in net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain
SwissSocialInsurance(DateRange, BigDecimal, BigDecimal, BigDecimal, BigDecimal, BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Constructor for record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissSocialInsurance
Creates an instance of a SwissSocialInsurance record class.
SwissWageCard - Record Class in net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain
SwissWageCard(String, String, LocalDate, LocalDate, LocalDate, Boolean, Boolean, BigDecimal, BigDecimal, BigDecimal, BigDecimal, boolean, LocalDate, Address) - Constructor for record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Creates an instance of a SwissWageCard record class.


toDate() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Returns the value of the toDate record component.
toString() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Collaborator
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Contract
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissAccidentInsurance
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissPensionFund
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissPensionFundPayment
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissSocialInsurance
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
Returns a string representation of this record class.


workPercentage() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Contract
Returns the value of the workPercentage record component.


year() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissPensionFundPayment
Returns the value of the year record component.
year() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.SwissWageCard
yearlySalary() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.collaborators.domain.Contract
Returns the value of the yearlySalary record component.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form