All Classes and Interfaces

An activity is an action between a seller and a potential sellee.
Defines the kinds af activities between natural persons.
A legal contract between two parties, one being the seller, and one being the sellee.
A contract extension extends the budget for an existing contract.
Defines the signing of a contract event.
Define the workflows defined for bounded domain activities, in particular the import and export to files.
The business logic and rules of the bounded domain for CRM entities.
Handler to import and export VCard representations of natural entities.
Defines the customer relationship management CRM subsystem.
A customer relation management mixin defines a set of operations useful for all CRM abstractions.
Defines the import port for the bounded domain.
Handles the customer relationship management CRM subsystem entities.
A taxonomy of tags for a customer relationship management system.
Provide import and export functions for CRM entities persisted in tab-separated files.
Define an employee as a temporal work contract between a natural entity meaning a person and a legal entity meaning an organization or a company.
Defines a lead in the customer relation domain.
Defines the status of a lead.
Regular CRUD view on leads abstraction.
A legal entity is a legally recognized organization able to underwrite contracts and hire employees.
A natural entity is a person.
Defines an opportunity between your company and a legal entity and a group of natural entities.
Defines the phases of an opportunity between the seller and sellee organizations.
Defines the photography of a natural entity.
Defines the tag categories for tags accordingly to the VCard RFC.