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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


amount() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Expense
Returns the value of the amount record component.
assignment() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort
assignment(Assignment) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort
Assignment - Class in net.tangly.erp.products.domain
An assignment defines the connection of an employee to a project for a duration.
Assignment(long) - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Assignment
assignments() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsEntities
assignments() - Method in interface
ASSIGNMENTS - Static variable in class net.tangly.erp.products.ui.ProductsBoundedDomainUi
ASSIGNMENTS_TSV - Static variable in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
ASSIGNMENTS_TSV - Static variable in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsTsvHdl


budgetInHours() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.WorkContract
Returns the value of the budgetInHours record component.


check() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort
clearEntities(DomainAudit) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
close() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsEntities
close() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ui.CmdCreateEffortsReport
closedPeriod() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Assignment
closedPeriod(LocalDate) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Assignment
CmdCreateEffortsReport - Class in net.tangly.erp.products.ui
CmdCreateEffortsReport(Assignment, ProductsBoundedDomain) - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.products.ui.CmdCreateEffortsReport
CmdFilesUploadEfforts - Class in net.tangly.erp.products.ui
The command defines how to upload entities provided as a set of YAML files onto the domain.
CmdFilesUploadProducts - Class in net.tangly.erp.products.ui
The command defines how to upload entities provided as a set of TSV files onto the domain.
collaboratorId() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Assignment
collaboratorId(String) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Assignment
collect(Assignment, LocalDate, LocalDate) - Method in class
contractId() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort
contractId() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Expense
Returns the value of the contractId record component.
contractId(String) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort
contractIds() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Product
contractIds(List<String>) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Product
contracts() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsEntities
contracts() - Method in interface
convert(int, ChronoUnit) - Static method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Assignment
countTags(Map<TagType<?>, Integer>) - Method in class
createMonthlyReport(Assignment, YearMonth, Path) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.artifacts.EffortReportEngine
createReport(Assignment, LocalDate, LocalDate, Path) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.artifacts.EffortReportEngine
CrmEventsProcessor - Class in
CrmEventsProcessor(ProductsBoundedDomain) - Constructor for class


date() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort
date() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Expense
Returns the value of the date record component.
date(LocalDate) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort
dialog() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ui.CmdCreateEffortsReport
documents() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsEntities
documents() - Method in interface
DOMAIN - Static variable in class
duration() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort
duration(int) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort


Effort - Class in net.tangly.erp.products.domain
An effort defines work performed on a project.
Effort() - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort
Effort(Assignment, String, LocalDate, int, String) - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort
EffortReportEngine - Class in net.tangly.erp.products.artifacts
Engine to create effort reports for collaborators.
EffortReportEngine(ProductsBusinessLogic, Properties, ChronoUnit) - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.products.artifacts.EffortReportEngine
efforts() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsEntities
efforts() - Method in interface
EFFORTS - Static variable in class net.tangly.erp.products.ui.ProductsBoundedDomainUi
EFFORTS_TSV - Static variable in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsTsvHdl
entities() - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Assignment
equals(Object) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort
equals(Object) - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Expense
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Product
equals(Object) - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.WorkContract
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
execute() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ui.CmdCreateEffortsReport
Expense - Record Class in net.tangly.erp.products.domain
An expense defines a monetary cost associated with a contract and implicitly a product.
Expense(LocalDate, String, String, BigDecimal) - Constructor for record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Expense
Creates an instance of a Expense record class.
exportAssignments(DomainAudit, Path) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsTsvHdl
exportEfforts(List<Effort>, Path) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
exportEfforts(DomainAudit, Path) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
Exports all efforts in a hierarchy of folders.
exportEffortsDocument(DomainAudit, Assignment, LocalDate, LocalDate, String, ChronoUnit) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
exportEffortsDocument(DomainAudit, Assignment, LocalDate, LocalDate, String, ChronoUnit) - Method in interface
Exports all efforts of the assignment in the given period of time.
exportEffortsDocumentsSplitPerMonth(DomainAudit, Assignment, YearMonth, YearMonth, ChronoUnit) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
exportEffortsDocumentsSplitPerMonth(DomainAudit, Assignment, YearMonth, YearMonth, ChronoUnit) - Method in interface
Exports all efforts of the assignment in the given period of time.
exportEntities(DomainAudit) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
exportProducts(DomainAudit, Path) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsTsvHdl
exportWorkContracts(DomainAudit, Path) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsTsvHdl


findAssignmentByOid(String) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsTsvHdl
findEffortFor(long, String, LocalDate) - Method in class
findProductByOid(String) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsTsvHdl


hashCode() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Assignment
hashCode() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort
hashCode() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Expense
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Product
hashCode() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.WorkContract
Returns a hash code value for this object.


id() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.WorkContract
Returns the value of the id record component.
importAssignments(DomainAudit, Path) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsTsvHdl
importEfforts(DomainAudit, Reader, String, boolean) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
importEfforts(DomainAudit, Reader, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Imports all efforts defined in the YAML file located at the given uri.
importEntities(DomainAudit) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
importProducts(DomainAudit, Path) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsTsvHdl
importWorkContracts(DomainAudit, Path) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsTsvHdl


locale() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.WorkContract
Returns the value of the locale record component.
logic() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
logic() - Method in interface


mainContractId() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.WorkContract
Returns the value of the mainContractId record component.
minutes() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort
minutes(String) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort


net.tangly.erp.products.artifacts - package net.tangly.erp.products.artifacts
net.tangly.erp.products.domain - package net.tangly.erp.products.domain
Provides core abstractions used in any commercial application in need product and project handling. - package
net.tangly.erp.products.ports - package net.tangly.erp.products.ports
Provides the adapters for the bounded domain. - package
net.tangly.erp.products.ui - package net.tangly.erp.products.ui


onNext(Object) - Method in class
onNext(Object) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ui.ProductsBoundedDomainUi


product() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Assignment
product(Product) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Assignment
Product - Class in net.tangly.erp.products.domain
An outcome such as a product or a research result which should be produced.
Product(long) - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Product
products() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsEntities
products() - Method in interface
PRODUCTS - Static variable in class net.tangly.erp.products.ui.ProductsBoundedDomainUi
PRODUCTS_TSV - Static variable in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
PRODUCTS_TSV - Static variable in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsTsvHdl
ProductsAdapter - Class in net.tangly.erp.products.ports
ProductsAdapter(ProductsRealm, ProductsBusinessLogic, Properties, Path, Path) - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
ProductsBoundedDomain - Class in
ProductsBoundedDomain(ProductsRealm, ProductsBusinessLogic, ProductsPort, TenantDirectory) - Constructor for class
ProductsBoundedDomainUi - Class in net.tangly.erp.products.ui
ProductsBoundedDomainUi(ProductsBoundedDomain) - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.products.ui.ProductsBoundedDomainUi
ProductsBusinessLogic - Class in
ProductsBusinessLogic(ProductsRealm) - Constructor for class
ProductsEntities - Class in net.tangly.erp.products.ports
ProductsEntities() - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsEntities
ProductsEntities(Path) - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsEntities
ProductsPort - Interface in
Defines the import and export port for the products-bounded domain.
ProductsRealm - Interface in
ProductsTsvHdl - Class in net.tangly.erp.products.ports
ProductsTsvHdl(ProductsRealm) - Constructor for class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsTsvHdl


range() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.WorkContract
Returns the value of the range record component.
realm() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
realm() - Method in class
realm() - Method in class


SCHEMA_FILE - Static variable in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
select(AppLayout, MenuBar) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ui.ProductsBoundedDomainUi
startup() - Method in class


text() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort
text() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Expense
Returns the value of the text record component.
text(String) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort
TITLE - Variable in class net.tangly.erp.products.ui.CmdCreateEffortsReport
toString() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Assignment
toString() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Effort
toString() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Expense
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Product
toString() - Method in record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.WorkContract
Returns a string representation of this record class.


userChanged(User) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ui.ProductsBoundedDomainUi


validate() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Assignment
validate() - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.Product


WORK_CONTRACTS - Static variable in class net.tangly.erp.products.ui.ProductsBoundedDomainUi
WORK_CONTRACTS_TSV - Static variable in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
WorkContract - Record Class in net.tangly.erp.products.domain
Defines the work view of a contract.
WorkContract(String, String, DateRange, Locale, int) - Constructor for record class net.tangly.erp.products.domain.WorkContract
Creates an instance of a WorkContract record class.


YAML_EXT - Static variable in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
yamlLiteralBlockScalar(String, int) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
yamlScalar(String, String, int) - Method in class net.tangly.erp.products.ports.ProductsAdapter
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values