Class Application


public final class Application extends Object
The application defines the context of the whole digital product with a set of tenants. Each tenant has a set of bounded domains and their ports. Each tenant has an own user management and type registry. Business logic tailoring shall mainly be done through the type registry with their set of custom tags and codes. The bounded domains with their ports are the entry points to the application. The application is a singleton. The ports are the user interface and the REST services. Ports are optional.

The application shall be created in the main method of the application. The main method is responsible to insure that the constructor is called exactly once to insure the singleton pattern. The main application is single threaded per convention.

  • Constructor Details

    • Application

      public Application()
  • Method Details

    • instance

      public static Application instance()
    • putTenant

      public void putTenant(@NotNull @NotNull Tenant tenant)
    • removeTenant

      public void removeTenant(@NotNull @NotNull String id)
    • tenant

      public Tenant tenant(@NotNull @NotNull String id)
    • tenants

      public Collection<Tenant> tenants()
    • archiveTenants

      public void archiveTenants()