Interface MutableExternalEntity

All Superinterfaces:
ExternalEntity, HasComments, HasDate, HasId, HasMutableComments, HasMutableDate, HasMutableId, HasMutableName, HasMutableTags, HasMutableText, HasName, HasTags, HasText
All Known Implementing Classes:

The named interface defines a powerful abstraction for external entities in a domain model. The features are
  • oid: a mandatory external identifier, an external identifier is visible to external systems or users.
  • text: a human readable documentation of the instance. We recommend using markdown syntax for the text.
  • comments: human readable comments describing aspects of an instance.
  • tags: human readable and machine processable tags defining an ontology to classify instance in the domain model. Orthogonal information can therefore be attached to instances.

The external identifier shall be set at construction time.