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Open Source Components for Technical and Business Applications

Open Source Components

The documentation site for open source components is published under tangly OS components.

The current released components are written in Modern Java and released on {ref-maven-central}.

  • BDD Behavior Driven Design Test Library based on JUnit 5 (code first approach),
  • COMMONS Internal Common Components to write company internal applications,
  • CORE Internal Core Components to write company business applications,
  • FSM Hierarchical Finite State Machine,
  • GLEAM declarative model definition library (map Java objects hierarchy to the TSV and JSON format),
  • UI Vaadin based user interface.

The current components for the services ERP are written in Modern Java and released on {ref-maven-central}.

  • Domains Enterprise Resources Planning components for service companies

tangly llc Articles and Blog

The ideas area is a collection of articles about our journey through agile product development, digitalization and software craftsmanship.

Our company blog hosts articles on the topics of

  • Agile, Scrum, Lean and Less
  • Modern Java technical stack experiences
  • Personal opinions about technological aspects

A classification accordingly to topics is available. We publish regularly new articles. The goal is to publish at least one article per month. Stay tuned.