About tangly llc Open Source Components

tangly llc Documentation Site

tangly llc is a small company specialized in software craftsmanship, technical excellence, agile transformation, Scrum , LeSS and lean.

Our technology stack is Modern Java.

As a strong supporter of the open source approach, we published our open source components.

Our Values

Do the Right Thing

Respect and tolerance
Solidarity and social responsibility
Curiosity, creativity and passion
Transparency and integrity

Champion Product Excellence

Do not focus on the products you are building, focus on the problems your customers are encountering
Achievement, accountability and success

Run a Sustainable Business

Great companies are not in business to make money, they make money to stay in business and accomplish an important purpose

Technical Information

The static website is generated using Hugo and Asciidoctor. We use the Hugo docsy theme.

We write all technical documents and blogs using the AsciiDoc syntax.

The website repository is hosted on tangly documentation repository hosted on GitHub.