git remote add origin-github (1)
git remote add origin-gitlab (2)
git remote add origin-bitbucket (3)
git remote add origin-hslu (4)
git remote -v (5)
git push <remote> master (6)
git remote rm <remote> (7)
Contributing Guidelines
This is an open source product. We love getting patches and contributions to make our components, and their documentation even better.
Contributing to tangly Open Source Components
The components live in Open Source Components. The git repository and the issue tracker are public and accessible to all interested parties.
You can create the set of git remotes with the following instructions.
1 | Primary git repository of the project |
2 | Secondary mirrored git repository of the project |
3 | Third mirrored git repository of the project exists due to historical reason |
4 | Repository for the lectures at the technical university of Lucerne, Switzerland (https due to limitations of their server) |
5 | List all remote defined for this git project |
6 | Push the local master branch to the selected remote |
7 | Remove the given remote from this git project |
Contributor License Agreement
Source Code contributions to this product must be published under Apache 2.0 license.
All documentations and texts to this product must be published under CC-BY-SA 4.0.
This simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your contributions as part of the product.
Code reviews
All submissions, including submissions by product members, require review. We use bitbucket pull requests for this purpose. Consult bitbucket Tutorial and Help for more information on using pull requests.
Previewing your changes
- Source Code Changes
Locally build the code changes with the provided Gradle scripts.
- Documentation Changes
The scripts to generate and populate the site from the product clone repository are located under scripts.
Creating issues
Alternatively, if there’s something you’d like to see (or if you’ve found something that is not working the way you would expect). You are not sure how to fix it yourself, please create an issue in Issue Tracker.