OS 010: Archive Data using TSV and JSON

OS-010 Archive Data using TSV and JSON

Date: 2022-01-01




OS 010 head

Contrary to XML or JSON, TSV is perfectly suited to represent records with the least possible overhead. There are a lot of tools, like spreadsheet editors, which can read and modify TSV files. The file’s size is at the possible minimum, and the performance of the converter is significantly better than with the other formats.


TSV is preferred to import data into the application or export information from the solution. The format is also the preferred solution to import data into or export data from the solution.


TSV files cannot express complex nested structures. Regular business models are often quite flat and translate well to a set of TSV files.

We recommend JSON format for complex nested documents.

The solution tangly ERP is a well-constructed solution using TSV format for import and export of bounded domain persistent data.

The complex documents defining invoices are exported as imported using a JSON format.

We use the Apache Commons CSV Library to parse and write TSV files.

The library functions are good enough for our designs. The library is well-maintained and under Apache 2.0 open source license.

We use the JSON Library to parse and write JSON files.

We use the JSON Validator Library to validate JSON files against a JSON schema.