OS 011: Vaadin User Interface

OS-011 Vaadin User Interface

Date: 2022-01-01




OS 011 head

Our primary and almost exclusive technical stack is Modern Java.

A major weakness of the Java ecosystem is the user interface aspects. Swing is old and no more actively supported by Oracle or other major players. JavaFX has a small active community. The platform never had a huge acceptance.

We could use various JavaScript frameworks to realize our user interfaces. The drawback is supporting an additional technology stack. Complexity is added between the Java backend and the TypeScript frontend.


Our primary approach to realizing user interface is to use Vaadin.

The version of Vaadin should be higher than 14.

Vaadin has some impressive aspects:

  • User interface can fully be written in Java.

  • Mobile first and progressive Web applications are natively supported with all visual components.

  • The solution can be hosed in a docker image.

  • User interface components are based on Web Components and Lit HTML.

  • If desired, you can write user interface components in Typescript and connect them to the Vaadin ecosystem.

Vaadin platform has extensive support for migrating legacy Java solutions to a modern Java technical stack.


The advantages are:

  • Java is our sole technology stack to realize complete applications.

  • The major part of the framework is under Apache 2.0 open source license.

  • Vaadin applications easily support a few hundreds of active users. If you respect some design considerations, Vaadin applications scale to a few thousands of active users.

  • Active community provides additional user interface components.

We use the SO-Charts components to draw our charts. The library is a wrapper around the Apache ECharts library. This library provides a huge number of high-quality graphs.

The drawback is:

  • You cannot currently write solutions supporting a hundred thousand of parallel users.

Our market is the creation of management and organization internal applications.

These solutions have seldom more than five hundred parallel users. Therefore, we never had any scalability or performance problems with Vaadin based programs.