20th Devoxx Belgium Conference 2023

I attended the highly anticipated 20th edition of Devoxx Belgium 2023.
Building on the success of the previous year, which attracted over 3,200 attendees, this five-day technology conference is set to exceed expectations.
The fresh release of Java 21 is a hot topic. Renowned speakers share their knowledge and discuss the enhancements that this new version brings, providing a valuable learning opportunity.
Attending Devoxx Belgium presents a remarkable opportunity to broaden your knowledge, refine your skills, and gain firsthand experience with the most recent technologies.
Session recordings are available on YouTube under the Devoxx Channel. The videos are published on the same day the talk was held. Congratulations to the Devoxx committee.
Most of the talks were good. A few were excellent such as Java Meets AI: A Hands-On Guide to Building LLM-Powered Applications with LangChain4j. The Oracle Java architects are doing a stunning job. They are very professional, polite, and their talks are of high quality. Brian Goetz and Per Minborg made a big impression on how competent they are [1].
My favorite tool companies Jetbrains, vaadin}>, and Oracle Java were exhibitors.
Day One
The train ride from Brussels airport to Antwerp is around half an hour.
The venue is easy to find and has splendid public transportation connections. The registration was straightforward and fast. Wireless is working.
It was saddening that most attendees are white male engineers. Perhaps the conference committee should more actively pursue diversity. Other conferences try very hard to attract less represented groups, in particular women.
The coffee was lousy as usual at a software conference [2]. The Danish pastries were welcome.
Test Containers: Needed, Simple, Powerful
Integration tests verify your application is working as expected.
Test containers are a powerful wrapper around docker. You can create the integration environment and the continuous delivery pipeline in Java.
If you prefer to write and debug your integration setup in Java, test containers are useful. The demonstration highlighted you have anyway to learn the subtleties of Docker. You can write your setup code in Java, but it requires quite knowledge about the underlying tooling.
A cool hint was toxiproxy to simulate network delays and errors.
Alternative approaches are docker compose or plugins such as jib.
I am still not convinced the gains using test containers are worth learning a new library. The assumption is that you are already proficient with Docker and Docker Compose. Test containers are certainly useful when you have a complex ecosystem with databases, servers, and a lot of microservices.
I often have a modular monolithic application. I use Eclipse Store and embedded HyperSQL for persistence. I use Flyway to populate the database. My docker compose file is simple and straightforward.
Why should I add the complexity of test containers?
Java 21
The introduction was well-done. Honestly, if you read the JSR and articles during the early-adopter phase, you did not get new information during the presentation.
The presentation is for Java developers lagging behind the latest Java LTS release. Modern developers evaluate a new Java version before it is officially released.
Value Types and Patterns Matching
Data-oriented programming separates data and code. This approach is against core concepts of object-oriented programming.
The speakers talked about the disadvantages of recompiling code when changing an interface. But honestly what are the costs of compiling in a modern DevOps environment?
The advantage of declaring a static method instead of a default method in the interface is not visible to me.
Use sealed class hierarchies, pattern matching in switch expressions to delegate complex business logic inside business classes.
Consider using records to write less code and move in the direction of immutable instances.
Deconstruction patterns and unnamed variables make the algorithms more legible.
Avoid Anemic Domain Model. I acknowledge there is a tension between behavior which should be part of a class and complex business logic which should be defined separately from the core domain abstractions.
If you are not the owner of the code, you want to extend it using:
The above constraint clearly defines the tension in designing the abstractions for a bounded domain. Both variants are mutually exclusive in modern programming languages.
An experienced architect with domain knowledge should hint which functionalities belong to a class and which ones are better located in business logic abstractions.
Future constructs were also presented.
Named patterns are a discussion theme in the community. They support the deconstruction of regular classes.
Value classes as potential first preview of the Valhalla project. Value instances have no identity anc can be stored on the stack. Interestingly, the optimization is only done at runtime.
They stated discussions is under to integrate null annotation in the language as discussed in JSpecify [3].
Modern Java programmers implement the equals(Object obj) method with instanceof and not if statement. The statement if (this == obj) is a performance killer when compared with the modern approach. Stop using conditional statements when implementing equals method. |
Getting Started with the Structurizr DSL
Simon Brown provided a nice introduction to C4 Model: Context, Container, Component, and Code.
The explanations of Structurizr DSL and examples were interesting.
Multiple diagrams can be defined in views. The types are systemContext, container, and component.
You can manipulate the diagrams with scripts.
The model stores semantic relations between the various elements.
You can use the command line to generate all views as regular or C4 plantUML diagrams.
The examples showed that often you start programming diagram items and contents.
The major drawback is that Structurizr wants to be the ruler of your documentation.
You cannot create a static website with the diagrams and the links between them.
The tool plantUML supports such features through the SVG output.
Instead Structurizr requires that your Asciidoc or arc42 documents are integrated into it.
You can export the content of a model to an HTML page. It is different from generating a static website with a static generator and theme. Generators such as Hugo provides mechanisms to generate links and cross-references to link various parts of your documentation. |
The idea to add a semantic abstraction layer to diagramming tools is brilliant. I think the current solution should be improved to simplify diagram handling.
Day Two
I found a nice coffee shop in town to get a real coffee and a cinnamon roll. Loaded with caffeine and sugar, I am ready to tackle the second conference day.
Know Your Java?
Entertaining and professional presentation of Java quirks. The examples show Java software archeology. Old coding and naming decisions coming back to bite you.
Don’t Walk Away From Complexity, Run.
Speed without Discipline: a Recipe for Disaster.
New features have sometimes strange impacts on existing code, often due to bad naming or interface segregation troubles.
Learn the language and the standard API. Stop programming for instructions to iterate through collections. Use the streams API. Study functional programming, pure function, and immutable data structure concepts. Java mixes object-orientation and functional programming. The compiler performs limited checks if your functional code behaves correctly. As a young developer, consider taking the Java developer certification examination. |
Test-Driven Insights: 10 Hints You Were Missing
Funny examples of how to write unit tests for crap code. The end of the talk presented good design approaches and the need to refactor. The speaker, Victor Rentea, outed himself as a clean-code advocate.
Rely on the language and not on tests to detect errors is profound advice.
The C++ bashing was surprising.
The attendees hinted that a lot of legacy code exists. Developers are under the yoke of maintaining and extending geriatric solutions.
I rather advocate performing refactoring to remove technical debt before trying to add functionality. I fully agree that there are rare exceptions due to important business deadlines. Here you could use the tricks with mocks, partial mocks, breaking information hiding to test legacy code.
Be honest. I would never work on a crap software code application. Either the company is resolute with professionalism and supports refactoring. Or I would look out for a serious development environment.
Microservices Got Talent: The Event-Driven Beautiful Dance
Event-first design is another approach to looking at your domain.
Ensures there are event handlers for all emitted events before they are effectively persisted. The event sourcing runtime should ensure the approach.
Validate the command. Execute the commands sequentially on your model.
Mutate the state by applying the events.
Persist the events Do not use Java serialization. Think about schema evolution. JSON is fine, but you have to manually implement schema changes.
Performant approaches are Avro or ProtoBuf which support schema evolution.
Eclipse Store is a potential candidate. The event sourcing runtime is responsible for loading events into memory and removes them from memory for a specific instance in the domain model.
Projections are used to process events and create a query optimized views on the model. The concept is similar to a materialized view in a relational database. Events are sent at least once to projection event handlers [4]. Scalability is realized through slicing of the event store. The slicing property is the stable identifier of the entity referenced in the event. Design your system accordingly.
Choreography sagas are completely based on events and projections. Once triggered, it moves like a wave until completion. Therefore, no error should block the flow and they are hard to debug.
With Java 21, Your Code Runs Even Faster. But How is that Possible?
The presentation was fun, instructive, and well-done. The details were inspiring and of high quality.
The speaker showed multiple areas where the JVM was locally massively improved through clever refactoring. Worth every second and a nice way to complete the day.
Day Three
The themes are Java and AI. Artificial intelligence is a hot topic with few concrete scenarios. The three most cited areas are personal assistant, coding assistant, and image generator.
A good coding copilot would be a great use case. Jetbrains and other companies' solutions are still work in progress and often not released to the public.
And two talks about physics and quantum computing.
Brian Goetz presented the new features of Java 21. An alluring idea was presented. Library owners should follow a similar release strategy as Java.
LTS releases are delivered every two years. Once released, only security problems and bugs are corrected in the LTS releases.
New features are only implemented for the current Java release. Use the newest Java features. You do not have to provide backward compatibility for older versions. Your users can use your LTS release.
The idea is so cool. I will advocate the approach and try it on my open-source projects. You have only to support two versions of your library. You can use old the cool new features in the newest version without stressing about backward compatibility. |
Unlocking the Potential of Bits and Bytes: Reducing Data Footprint for Cost and Eco-Efficiency
Beginner introduction of byte encoding for the payload.
The speaker advocates the use of cheap raspberry boards to experiment.
Smaller data packages reduce energy consumption, network traffic, and surprisingly also latency.
ProtoBuf is a good compromise to encode payloads. Hand-coded structures are still factors more compact but require code to encode and decode the payload.
PostgreSQL, The Time-Series Database You Actually Want
The speaker shows a demonstration of time series in postgreSQL. Nice to learn the database supports the feature, and I missed concrete examples why I should use it.
Project Leyden
Brian Goetz explained the various mechanisms to speed startup time and increase performance. In the end, Java programs should be more cloud-friendly.
Use AppCDS to improve the startup performance of your application. It should be a standard step in your deployment before packaging your application into a Docker image.
java -XX:+AutoCreateSharedArchive -XX:SharedArchiveFile=tangly-os-archive.jsa (1)
1 | Since JDK 19, the CDS archive file is created automatically as a dynamic archive if it is missing. If the file exists, the JVM will use it. CDS is active per default -Xshare:auto. |
Ideally, some improvements shall be delivered with JDK 22.
Java at AWS: Lessons Learned from Upgrading and Modernizing a Massive JVM Codebase
Speakers presented the huge gains moving from JDK 8 to JDK 17.
They had a few regression cases when doing such a huge jump in versions. The troubles were methods or classes no more accessible in the newer version. Just read the log files; the encountered restriction always generates a log describing the problem.
Beware that more threads can be active in garbage collection in newer versions.
They provided an interesting argumentation why they will wait with the update to Java 21. The known bugs are too critical to update such a huge installed base.
James Gosling was interesting and getting older. He had a point that multiple libraries implementing the same functions are eating away your memory. A Java application should have one JSON transformer, one serializer, and one HTTP protocol stack.
Limit the number of libraries you are using. The biggest inhibitors for updates are test mocks and Lombok. Instead of forking an open-source library, write a change request first. Prefer pull requests over forks. Sharing source code is more toxic than sharing binaries. Long live maven central. |
Java on Arm. New horizons
It was a boring presentation. I know a little about ARM processor architecture. The speaker just presented the different processors available on the market.
No real presentation of how Java is optimized for ARM architecture. He could have presented intrinsics, SIMD support, and other architecture optimizations.
Cloud companies provide ARM-based solutions with tens or hundreds of cores. All Apple computers are running on ARM.
One clear statement was we will run our applications on a platform with a lot of ARM or X86 cores in the future.
Coding Your Documentation
Hubert Klein also known as mrhaki is an advocate of Asciidoc. He has a cool blog. I am also a fan of Asciidoc, Asciidoctor, and Hugo.
The presentation was interesting and professional.
Day Four
Surprise, Surprise. The public transportation went on strike today. I had a nice stroll along the harbor to reach the conference venue. The weather was fine and I achieved my daily sport quota.
In the evening, I discovered that the strike is going on. I got my second walk and enjoyed the sunset over the harbor and the old city.
It was the first day with fall temperatures. The previous days had summer temperatures. You still could have dinner outside on a terrace. It was a little chilly, but locals enjoyed the last warm days of this season.
Open Telemetry and Continuous Feedback. Things you need to know about your Java code at runtime
The speaker favors integration and production feedbacks on how the application behaves.
He advocates OpenTelemetry because it is an industrial standard.
The Digma plugin is an approach to support developers. Observability metrics are provided during development and testing directly in your Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA.
Cool plugin providing developer functionality without having to install multiple docker images as with regular DevOps tools.
Lessons learned using Machine Learning in Java
Funny presentation how to classify Lego bricks using machine learning.
The speaker is not a machine learning ML specialist and had a steep learning curve. All packages are available as open source packages.
The Java ecosystem is smaller and less well-documented. He used Deep Java Library.
One important finding was use real images, do not create them mechanically. The difference is tremendous.
Java Meets AI: A Hands-On Guide to Building LLM-Powered Applications with LangChain4j
This presentation was the coolest of the whole Devoxx 2023.
The speaker is an active developer of LangChain4J. Her approach solves the troubles described in the previous talk for LLM models.
The code examples show how little code you need to set up a chat agent backed with a LLM model.
You can define your own tools to compute values instead of asking the model to guess them. The next improvement is to ask your model to generate a tool because models can also write source code. This is awesome.
Debugging with IntelliJ IDEA
Solid presentation of Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA debugger features with hands-on examples.
I seldom use the debugger. The tips were good but not really relevant for me.
gRPC Supercharged with Armeria
The frameworks provide necessary services for highly scalable applications based on microservices. Armeria industrializes gRPC services.
The concepts are clean and well-implemented. The decorator pattern is used to add functionality to services. I seldom have non-functional requirements requiring such complex architectures.
Building and Deploying Java Client Desktop Applications With JDK 21 and Beyond
A solid presentation about Swing and JavaFX. You can use both libraries in the same application.
The demonstration of an email client was solid. I got the impression that not a lot of innovations are happening in the Swing or JavaFX landscapes [5].
Open standards for building event-driven applications in the cloud
The speaker provided a good introduction to Async API and cloudevents.
Day Five
The last conference day. I am surprised how tiring it was to listen to so many presentations and trying to memorize interesting concepts.
I decided to leave earlier to be sure to catch my flight. The yesterday experience with the strikes worried me. It worked well, and I was ahead of time at the airport.
The developer’s guide to making money in the open-source galaxy
An entertaining presentation about entrepreneurship.
He had tribulations between Java and .NET projects. I finally got the courage to realize a product idea I had long ago and implement it as an open-source Java. JobRunr was born as a port of .NET Hangfire.
He used redIT to market his product. He enjoys working with the Java community and Java champions. They are very supportive and kind.
The commercial model is JobRunr as open-source application and a paid professional version. The first license is a permanent license to a French company priced 400 EUR.
The breakthrough was a talk in May 2022 at the Spring I/O conference. The ThoughtWorks technology radar mentioned JobRunr and increased the exposure.
He made 90'000 EUR in 2022. The forecast for 2023 is around 260'000 EUR. He hired his first employee.
The whole approach is cute, hands-on, and most importantly, working. He is able to live from an open-source product. This is an impressive and sadly seldom achievement.
The Panama Dojo: Black-Belt Programming with Java 21 and the FFM API
Per Minborg provided again a cool high-quality talk about {ref-panama and Foreign Function and Memory API.
An arena models the lifecycle of one or more memory segments. All segments allocated in the arena share the same lifetime. Multiple arena types are provided for different scenarios.
Memory layouts describe the contents of a memory region programmatically.
Please use the current release of Java. Most speakers rightly make fun of organizations still using Java 8 or older versions. They seriously asked why you are not yet on the Java LTS 21 version.
Embrace functional programming. Conquer streams and lambda expressions defined as pure functions. Promote immutable objects and collections in your source code. These design solutions naturally scale with more processing cores.
Virtual threads are here. Use them. Concurrent collections shall be used to implement back pressure with virtual thread designs. The performance of concurrent collections will be fabulous with Java 22.
Advanced discussions were heard in some talks. How should and would Java evolve in the next years? Current openJDK projects cover all ideas I heard during the conference. The exception is how to support ML and AI approaches. I am only aware of JSR 381 [7].
Green IT is regularly cited. I am not sure organizations take the initiative seriously.
Speakers are professional engineers. Almost all of them have Apple notebooks. Professional Java developers are using Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA from Jetbrains. More than 80% of conference participants use it.
I love the modern connected world. I hold video conferences with my daughters and wife every day without trouble.
I was pleased that no customers called me during the conference.
[1] Are Certifications Useful? Marcel Baumann. 2023.
[2] Java Certification Marcel Baumann. 2023.
[3] Java Certified Developer Java 11 Marcel Baumann. 2021.
[4] Modern Java Constructs Marcel Baumann. 2022.