Posts in 2024
  • Modern Java Rant

    2024-04-20 in 2024

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    The Java community releases a new version every six months. This is a good thing, it means that the language is evolving at a steady pace. New language features are added in each release. Much effort is put into improving the performance of the JVM …

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  • Structure Your Concurrency

    2024-04-01 in 2024

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    Writing concurrent software is one of the greatest challenges for software developers [1, 2]. A professional software developer must understand the principles of concurrent programming and the tools available to write concurrent software. Only …

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  • Asciidoc and Hugo Website Improvements

    2024-03-15 in 2024

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    The static website build tool Hugo is awesome. The extensive built-in feature set of Hugo and the feature-rich typesetting that Asciidoc offers provide a blogging experience composed of easy content management and fun writing experience. Source code …

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  • Nice Statechart Diagrams

    2024-03-10 in 2024

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    What are statecharts, also called hierarchical state machines? Put simply, a statechart is a beefed-up state machine [1] [2]. The syntax is formally defined in the UML standard. The beefing up solves a lot of the problems that state machines have, …

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  • Java Modules

    2024-03-01 in 2024

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    Java 9 introduces a new level of abstraction above packages, known as the Java Platform Module System JPMS, or Modules for short [1]. Modules emphasize at compilation time modern software engineering principles such as encapsulation, and modularity …

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  • How To Improve

    2024-02-20 in 2024

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    You attended a famous or a local technical school. You are the proud owner of a bachelor or a master degree in science. You are a certified engineer. You are now a full-time software developer. You write daily productive code with your colleagues in …

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  • The Quest for an Agile Company: Eight Years tangly llc

    2024-02-15 in 2024

    Featured Image for The Quest for an Agile Company: Eight Years tangly llc

    We are an agile and software technology boutique. We often work as Scrum masters, product owners and technical agile coaches. Regularly we are involved in the architecture and development of software products. Our collaborators love to coaching, …

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  • Advanced Streams

    2024-02-10 in 2024

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    The Java Stream API is a powerful and simple to understand set of tools for processing sequences of elements. The standard collections were retrofitted with the stream() method, which allows us to convert any collection to a stream. Modern Java code …

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  • EclipseStore

    2024-01-25 in 2024

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    Eclipse Store [1] is a Java-native persistence layer built for cloud-native microservices and serverless systems. EclipseStore is the only data storage solution that uses the native Java object model instead of database-specific structure or format. …

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  • Data Classes, Sealed Types and Pattern Matching

    2024-01-01 in 2024

    Featured Image for Data Classes, Sealed Types and Pattern Matching

    Records, sealed types, enumerations are the key language features for Algebraic Data Types. The features have been available since Java 17. Latter JDK releases provide additional capabilities and syntactic sugar. Based on the features of JDK 22, we …

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