Distributed Systems

2025 01 01 head

The embedded software industry is in the midst of a major revolution. A tremendous amount of new development lies ahead.

New embedded software needs an actual architecture that is inherently safer and easier to understand.

It provides a higher level of abstraction than the usual threading and synchronization approach based on a traditional Real-Time Operating System RTOS [1].

For years, experts in concurrent software have been pointing out that unrestricted use of threads and various blocking mechanisms of an RTOS often leads to programs that are unsafe and difficult to reason about. Instead, experts from different industries independently came up with the following best practices, collectively known as the active object or actor design pattern [1]:

  1. Keep data isolated and bound to threads.
    Threads should hide and encapsulate their private data and other resources. They should not share them with the rest of the system.
    No global data or shared state shall exist in the system.

  2. Communicate among threads asynchronously via event objects [2].
    Events are also called messages. They are immutable objects.
    Using asynchronous events keeps the threads running truly independently, without ever blocking on each other.

  3. Threads should spend their lifetime responding to incoming events.
    Their mainline should consist of an event-loop that handles events one at a time to completion, thus avoiding any concurrency hazards within a thread itself.

Asynchronous callbacks do not fulfill the above constraints.

An object can register multiple asynchronous calls to inform him when an activity is completed. Multiple callbacks could be processed in parallel. Therefore, the object must protect its data from potential manipulation by multiple asynchronous callbacks.+ Such a mutual exclusion suspends callbacks called when another activity is accessing the data. The sequence of execution becomes entangled and almost impossible to analyze and document.

The protection of the data will use blocking mechanisms of an RTOS and could potentially induce deadlock, livelock or starvation problems.

The programmer is responsible to avoid these tricky constellations.

While these best practices can be applied manually on top of a traditional RTOS, a better way is to use an actor library [1]. The main difference is that when you use an RTOS, you write the main body of the application such as the thread routines for all your tasks. You call explicitly the RTOS synchronization services, e.g., a semaphore, a monitor, a lock or a time delay.

2025 01 01 actors

When you use a framework, you reuse the overall architecture and write mainly the application code that the framework will call. This leads to inversion of control and allows the framework to automatically enforce the best practices of concurrent programming.

In contrast, a raw RTOS lets you do anything and offers no help or protection for the best practices. The other important difference is that the event-driven actor model [1] really represents a paradigm shift from a traditional RTOS.

Publish and subscribe frameworks with active processing nodes is another implementation of the active object pattern.

A well-known example of this architecture is the robotic operating system ROS.

In resource-constrained embedded systems, the biggest concern has always been about the size and efficiency of such active object frameworks. Modern kernels provide message-passing mechanisms. Often, you do not need to add a lot of functionalities. Therefore, the only doubt is how efficiently these solutions perform. Well, the overhead of sending a message should not be higher than the one needed to synchronize access to a shared variable.

But perhaps the most important benefit of active object frameworks is that they offer a much higher level of abstraction.

You can apply the right abstractions for formal design techniques such as hierarchical state machines, UML statecharts modeling, and automatic code generation.

All of this means the event-driven architecture is not only possible in deeply embedded, high-reliability systems, but it is actually ideal for such applications.

Distributed Asynchronous Embedded Systems

2025 01 01 uml state machine
Communication over Messages

Communication between components is solely through message passing.
You either send messages directly to another actor, or use a publishing and subscribe metaphor with topics. The topic approach has a lesser coupling and is easier to extend.
Threads communicating through messages do not share data. You never need synchronization primitives to protect data against concurrent accesses.

No Synchronous Calls

Synchronous calls have always a blocking semantic. Under load, liveliness and deadlock problems often occur. Asynchronous solutions have only deadlock if the finite state machine of communicating actors have a specification error. Powerful techniques from the telecommunication industry, e.g., ITU SDL, can detect such flaws through formal validation.

Messages are Typed Immutable Objects

Messages are sent to other tasks. The sender does not own the messages. Therefore, the messages should be immutable to prohibit any unwanted changes. Immutable objects can be cloned and sent simultaneously to all interested parties.
Messages should convey legible information to the receivers. Therefore, messages should be typed using good object-oriented modeling techniques.

Idempotent Messages

The system is more resilient if an idempotent message design is systematically used. Distributed systems cannot always guaranty a single delivery of a specific message without additional and sometimes prohibitive costs. Idempotence can be realized syntactically with a message identifier or semantically by providing invariants for multiple processing of the same message.

Actors are State Machines

Actors define the internal state of a processing node. The processing of a message can trigger an action or a state change. Therefore, actors should always be implemented as state machines.

Nodes are single-Threaded

Multi-threaded support shall be provided through the library. Avoid as much as possible to implement multithreaded solutions inside an actor.

Below, the standard approach to implementing a flat state machine is using two nested switch statements:

State state = INIT;                                 (1)

switch (state) {
    case STATE_1:
        switch (message.id) {                       (2)
            case (ID_A):
                if (guard_1(message)) {             (3)
                    action_a_1(message);            (4)
                    state = STATE_2;
                } else if (guard_2(mesage)) {
                    action_a_2(message)) {
                    state = STATE_3;
            case (ID_B):
                state = STATE_N;
1 Current state of the actor. The type of the variable should be an enumeration.
2 Identify the message through is identifier. A message should be a value object.
3 Evaluate an optional guard condition to decide if the transition will be selected.
4 Implement the transition from state STATE_1 to STATE_2 and execute the associated action action_a. It is customary to pass the message as a parameter to the function.

The same code in Java would be:

State state = INIT;

state = switch (state) {
    case STATE_1 ->
        switch (message.id) {
            case (ID_A):
                if (guard_1(message)) {
                    yield STATE_2;
                } else if (guard_2(mesage)) {
                    yield STATE_3;
            case (ID_B):
                yield STATE_N;

The implementation is straight forward mapping of a finite state machine description to the code solution. If the size of the finite state machine is high, you should extract the second level of switches into local methods. Each method describes all transitions going out of a specific state.

The above programmatic approach is limited to flat state machines.

Hierarchical statecharts as described in the UML notation can only be efficiently implemented with a state machine library. An example of such a library for the Java stack is net.tangly:fsm. The user manual provides examples of hierarchical finite state machine declarations [3]. [4]. If you are using this notation, avoid parallel states. Parallel states require multithreaded nodes, and the semantic is not well-defined.

You can describe a finite state machine FSM using the UML statechart notation. Complex events, guards and actions should be documented in tabular form.


Asynchronous distributed embedded applications communicating through messages have underlying assumptions.

Global Time

Distributed systems often have timeouts in their business logic. The implementation of these requirements is way easier if all nodes in the system have access to a global time. The time is always very handy to generate log records with a system-wide natural sort order. Network time protocol is a concrete implementation to provide global time in a distributed environment.
The global time is also used to define reliable timeout events encoded in statecharts.

CAP Theorem

The theorem heavily constrains the selected architecture.
As an example, we take ROS-2 Robotic Operating System and see how it is constrained through the CAP theorem.

Topics-based and message-passing architecture defines the asynchronous approach.

Quality of service is an approach to improving the consistency of a solution at the cost of availability. Synchronous services simplify the programming model and kill the availability and partitioning of the system.
Single threaded is the sole solution to avoid reintroducing low-level synchronization mechanisms.+

Similar tradeoffs are required if you are using other RTOS or hand-coded solutions.

Eventual Consistency

Eventual consistency is a consistency model used in distributed computing to achieve high availability. It informally guarantees that if no new updates are made to a given data item, eventually all accesses to that item will return the last updated value.

A distributed machine will only support eventual consistency. If you want to provide ACID, you would need to lock down all sensors and actuators during a distributed transaction. This is obviously not possible if your machine is processing a request or moving material.

Lessons Learnt

Never try to transform a distributed asynchronous system into a synchronously centrally controlled application. It will never work as expected [2].

Please just read the Two Generals' Problem [5] if you have doubts.

Design smells are polling activities to find out configuration and statuses. The worst code starts to add delays, timeouts, and retries to build an image of the distributed solution. It will never work. You are trying to ignore the CAP theorem.

Please never write polling code.

Distributed asynchronous systems always imply a distributed message-based asynchronous architecture. This design always promotes eventual consistency.

You will never have an atomic global state of the system.

I agree that if you have reliable communication, it would be possible. The advocates of this solution just forget about the costs of reliability [2] and the consequences as stated in the CAP theorem.

1. I also state the obvious. All the embedded and distributed solutions I developed over the last 35 years follow these design principles. Task communication is exclusively over message passing or topics. Various RTOS such RT68, μC/OS-II, QNX, freeRTOS, ROS provide all the necessary abstractions. Platforms such as Linux or Java have these constructs since inception. Therefore, I never had any deadlocks, lifelocks or starvation in any of the systems I worked on.
2. Modern realtime operating systems treat interrupt routines as a special and limited kind of threads. Therefore, interrupt routines also communicate with other components by sending messages.
3. The C++ library boost provides two implementations of hierarchical finite state machines. You can use eiter the _Meta State Machine boost.MSM or Boost.SML library.
4. ROS-2 has state machines libraries e.g., SMAC, SMACC2 or YASMIN.
5. The problem description and the mathematical proof were published in 1975. It is time to acknowledge mathematical proofs about distributed systems and communication protocols.