Select An Agile Software Development Partner
2023-01-01 in 2023
It is not unusual for businesses to turn to third-party companies when they want help to achieve their goals without increasing internal overhead. This type of outsourcing is especially common for projects that require tremendous amounts of effort …
First Steps DevOps
2022-12-01 in 2022
The DevOps movement started to gather momentum with the first DevOps conference held in Ghent, Belgium in 2009 [1]. The approach aims to shorten the system development life-cycle and to provide continuous delivery with high software quality. DevOps …
Multi-Module Test Reporting with Gradle 7.x
2022-11-07 in 2022
I love Gradle as the building tool for all my Java projects. But sometimes I was discouraged about how spotty or cumbersome the support for a multi-module project is. I struggled for years to generate test and code overage reports over modules …
Behavior Driven Design
2022-11-01 in 2022
Domain-Driven Design DDD has been around since Eric Evans published his book about the subject in 2003 [1]. Vernon Vaugh published powerful approaches how to implement DDD concepts into a software solution [2, 3]. How do you validate and test your …
Modern Java Constructs
2022-10-12 in 2022
Modern Java is quite a departure from the traditional Java available at the beginning of the millennium. The most visible change is certainly lambda expressions and stream, enabling a more functional programming approach in Java. Functional …
Eliminate Your Printer
2022-09-10 in 2022
In an increasingly technology-focused world, the demand for businesses to digitize has grown dramatically. So, what does it mean to digitize your business? Essentially, it means incorporating technology into your business operations to increase …
Transfer a Software Project
2022-08-15 in 2022
You developed a new digital product for an internal or external customer. Your solution is awesome. The product is released to delighted users. Your users love your solution. The project is now winding down and closing activities are initiated. The …
How to Detect Fake Scrum?
2022-08-01 in 2022
Some organizations are adopting agile and Scrum approaches simply because they see competitors doing it. In these situations, there is rarely a desire to adopt a new mindset and culture, or motivation for true change. A common pattern is the …