Choice is Good
2021-11-02 in 2021
First and foremost, our primary goal is to develop successful products and delight users. We are always looking for good practices to improve our odds. Product development is a risky business. We want to expand our toolbox with proven approaches. We …
Agile Design Modeling
2021-10-01 in 2021
Unknown reference: implementing-domain-driven-desing The line between software development and software architecture is a tricky one. Some people will tell you that it does not exist and that architecture is simply an extension of the design process …
Scrum Developer Formation
2021-09-03 in 2021
You are working as a developer in a Scrum team. Congratulations, working as a professional Scrum developer is a fulfilling and exciting job. You should attend professional training. Formal training is often the difference between being a …
What I Learnt Teaching Agile Software Architecture
2021-09-02 in 2021
I am teaching agile software architecture and techniques SWAT as an advanced bachelor level lecture weighted with 3 ECTS. I gave this training for the last three years at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts HSLU in Switzerland. All …
Improving a Static Web Site Build With Hugo and Docsy
2021-09-01 in 2021
The static website build tool Hugo is awesome. With the extensive built-in feature set of Hugo and the feature-rich text formatting options that Asciidoc offers, it creates a blogging experience composed of easy content management and fun writing …
Scrum Master Formation
2021-08-09 in 2021
You work as a Scrum master. Congratulations, working as a professional Scrum master is a fulfilling and exciting job. You should attend professional training. Not only attend the two-day training to receive a shiny diploma. Being a Scrum master and …
DevOps for Small Applications
2021-08-05 in 2021
DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increase an organization’s ability to deliver at high velocity. It evolves and improves products at a faster pace than organizations using traditional software development …
Agile Leadership
2021-08-01 in 2021
Everybody is talking about being agile. Companies institutionalize agile change programs and send all their collaborators in training to learn the agile way. What does that mean? How should I, as a manager, work the agile way? Does this agile way …